Alfa Acciai Group
Sustainability Report by Alfa Acciai Italy, Brescia.

Sustainability Report

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Sustainability Report

Sustainability Report

The Sustainability Report is the main means used by companies to disclose their objectives, performance and strategies adopted in relation to ESG issues in a transparent manner and according to internationally recognized methods. Indeed, the report gives an annual account of operations, investments and initiatives implemented within the scope of corporate sustainability, by organising activities around the three main characterizing pillars: environment, social and governance.


Prepared in accordance with GRI (Global Reporting Initiative) international standards, since its first publication, the reporting scope has included data and performance of all Group operating companies: Alfa Acciai, Acciaieria di Sicilia, Alfa Derivati, Ferroberica and Tecnofil.


The Alfa Acciai Group published its first Sustainability Report in 2021, covering the 2019-2020 financial years. The commitment was also renewed in 2022 with the publication of the second edition.

The detailed and extensive reporting of the chapters making up the 2023 edition, which covers the 2022 financial year, is complemented by the ESG Summary Report, a document providing stakeholders with an overview of the Group’s performance, trends and sustainable development policy. This handy and intuitive document can also be used to rank the Group in relation of ESG performance in the industry, especially in terms of efficient use of energy and reduced impact of corporate operations on all significant matrices: soil, water and air.  


Click on the buttons below to download both the Summary and the complete Sustainable Report.




Summary ESG 2022


Sustainability report 2020

Sustainability report 2021

Sustainability report 2022

IMQ - ISO 50001
IMQ - ISO 50001
Certquality - ISO 45001:2018
IGQ - ISO 9001 - 14001
Futura Brescia 2050

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