Published online the Sustainability Report 2021 of the Group
The second Sustainability Report of the Alfa Acciai Group has just been published online.
It reports on the 2021 performance and is produced in accordance with the GRI (Global Reporting Index) international standard. It sticks to the path set by the edition of the previous year, while going deeper on some key topics.
In particular, the reporting of the environmental, social and economic sustainability integrates the Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda of the United Nation and delves into a series of topics and issues characterizing the business, such as the water management, the attention to the health and safety of both employees and workers of outsourced companies and the IT security.
The Sustainability Report is today a well-established tool, adopted also by the steel companies, to keep the stakeholders updated on their organisational model, the business activities and processes. The need comes from the will to develop a transparent relationship of trust with the communities that interact with the company.
This need, which grew stronger in the recent years, is today even stronger for the complex and uncertain situation that the industry is facing due to the geopolitical instability and the soaring energy costs. This situation made the key role of the steel industry for the economic development even clearer and highlighted the need for transparent governance, detailed process and company management reporting, environmental commitment.
In the Stakeholders’ Letter that opens the Report, President Ettore Lonati and CEO Amato Stabiumi highlight the importance of the relationships of the Group’s companies with local communities:
“Realising how important we are to the area in terms of its economy, employment opportunities and value chain, we are committed to addressing environmental issues in the coming years, by continuing to invest in the green transition to significantly reduce energy consumption and to increase the amount of electricity produced from renewable sources.
Buoyed by having laid solid foundations for tackling the demanding challenges in our industry, we hope you find that the report makes interesting reading”.
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